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Can You Feed a Yorkie Part of a Peach

Although the core of Yorkies' nutrition is meat, these cute, little pups need other types of food as well. A well-balanced and healthy diet should include safe kinds of fruit among other food.

Delicious and colorful bites packed with a variety of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, fruits are the perfect snack for your Yorkie.

Yorkshire terrier can eat apple, pear, berries, kiwi, peach, or plum, these fruits are pretty safe for your dog. Some fruits such as strawberry or banana are safe but very rich in sugar so serve sparingly. Citrus, grapes, and dried fruits should be avoided.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Apples?

Apples should definitely be on your Yorkie's menu. This fruit is pretty affordable, low in calories. It's good for dogs with a restrictive diet, as well as for senior dogs and those with certain illnesses.

Apples are very rich in vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, phosphorus. This snack is also high in fibers, therefore great for a dog's digestive tract.

Apples are beneficial for Yorkie's dental health/breath as well.

Although apples are good for dog's well being, they are moderate in sugar, so they should be served in moderation, especially to dogs that suffer from diabetes or cancer.

Too much apple consumption may lead to an upset stomach or diarrhea in your Yorkie.

When you decide to give the apple to your dog for the first time, consult with your vet. Start with small pieces to check if this food will provoke some allergic reaction in your dog.

Make sure you feed your Yorkie with apple flesh and peel only. Avoid giving stem, core, or seeds. Cores are rather hard and can be a choking hazard.

Seeds contain a certain amount of cyanide, a toxic substance. The amount is not very high and if your dog swallows one or two seeds by accident, most probably won't experience any trouble but in any case, do avoid giving seeds intentionally.

Apple should be cut into bite-sized slices, you can give it to your dog like that or you can mix the apple with some other dog food.

A good idea for hot summer days is to freeze apple and serve it as a very tasty refreshing snack.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Berries? (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and cranberries)

Yes, all listed berries are pretty safe for your Yorkie. Berries are full of antioxidants and vitamins C, E, and K.

Yorkie won't be thrilled equally with all berries. For example, cranberries have a rather bitter taste and dogs don't like bitter food.

Blueberries have a high level of vitamins B and B6. Blackberries are very rich in magnesium and potassium. Raspberries are a very tasty snack, although they might have high sugar content, they are low in calories and therefore a suitable snack for a dog on a dietary regimen.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Peach, Apricot, or Plum?

You can feed your Yorkie with peaches, apricots, or plums but make sure pits don't reach your pet's mouth. Pits contain cyanide, a toxic substance that could harm your dog. Pits are also choking hazards so don't let your pet eat them.

Peaches are rich in vitamin A, which is good for the eyes, skin, and immune system.

Apricots are rich in several vitamins ( A, C, and E), minerals, and antioxidants- flavonoids that protect your dog from illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.

Plums – although plums are rich in many nutrients, they are very high in sugar so you can feed your Yorkie with plum flesh in small bites occasionally. Never ever let your dog eat pit, it's very toxic for your pet.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Strawberry?

Yes, Yorkies can eat strawberries, and most of them like its taste. Strawberries are full of vitamin C and fiber. They also have high water content but be careful as they are rich in sugar so feed your pet in moderation.

This tasty fruit can also be a refreshing snack during the hot summer months if you freeze it. Both options, frozen or fresh are good for your dog.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Cherry?

Well, if you are really keen to feed your little friend with cherries go ahead but make sure you give him the cherry flesh only. Pits, stems, leaves are no good as they contain cyanide and therefore toxic to your Yorkie.

It seems like too much trouble for a tiny piece of treat. I think there are other, far better options.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Mango?

Yes, this summer fruit can be a delicious bite for your Yorkie. Mango is packed with all kinds of vitamins, vitamin A which is beneficial for the eyes, skin, and immune system, B6 which boosts energy and good for brain function, vitamin C, vitamin E.

Don't give too much mango to your dog as it can provoke an upset stomach and diarrhea. Mango is also full of sugar and has more calories than many other kinds of fruit so not suitable for dogs with a restrictive diet.

Of course, avoid a pit as it's a great choking hazard. Even if he swallows it without trouble, it can hurt his digestive tract.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Banana?

Banana is a safe fruit for your Yorkie. It contains many nutrients, packed with vitamins ( C and B6), potassium, fiber, copper, amino acids.

Although it's low in sodium and cholesterol, due to its very high sugar content, banana is not recommended as a daily treat. Especially be careful about the amount If your dog is old and not active.

Avoid giving your Yorkie a banana peel. Extra fibers from the peel could cause an upset stomach or even vomiting in your small dog.

It's OK to give a small slice or two every now and then to your dog. You can give it separately from other food or put it a slice on the top of your dog's food. It's a good idea to fill the washable chewing toy with a small amount of mashed banana and let your Yorkie enjoy licking the tasty treat.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Pear?

Yes, Yorkies can eat pears but as in the case of many other fruits, only flesh and maybe skin. Avoid seeds, stems, core, leaves …. they all contain traces of cyanide. One or two seeds won't kill your little friend but be careful and don't let him eat the parts of pear he shouldn't.

Pear is full of vitamins A and C as well as fibers and antioxidants. This tasty fruit is rich in sugar so give it to your dog occasionally in small amounts. Pear is good for general health, beneficial for blood cells and the digestive system.

Small dogs like Yorkie should eat a one-inch slice cut into smaller pieces. Never give your dog a whole pear, not only it's too much for him, but also as he can choke. Also forget about rotten pears and pears that are close to that, as you wouldn't eat that piece of fruit, right? Neither your dog.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Citrus Fruits?

Citrus fruits are not recommended for your Yorkie. While some dogs will enjoy eating oranges, others will turn their sensitive noses away from this tasty fruit.

Oranges are high in sugar but also in vitamin C and many other nutritive elements so you can try to give a small piece or two of it to your dog on special occasions. If you have a diabetic dog, better to avoid it completely.

The same stands for tangerine and clementine. You can feed your Yorkie every now and then but avoid any other parts besides the flesh. The peel contains even more nutritive elements than the flesh itself but can cause some digestive problems in dogs if they consume it.

Lemon can be given to Yorkies but in very small amounts as its acidity may upset the stomach of your little friends.

Grapefruit should be avoided completely, it's toxic to dogs. Its acidity may provoke many health issues including loose stool, vomiting, etc. Plus, dogs can smell a bitter taste and they don't like it, so most probably, your Yorkie won't be interested in grapefruit at all.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Watermelon?

Yes, watermelon is completely safe for your Yorkie as long as you remove seeds and rind. Both seeds and rind may cause gastrointestinal issues so better to avoid them.

Watermelon has a very high water content (92%), it will keep your dog well hydrated. This tasty summer fruit is rich in vitamins A, B6, and C.

Vitamin A keeps your dog's skin, eyes, and hair healthy. Others two support your pet's immune system. Watermelon is low in calories, has no fat, nor cholesterol but has a certain amount of sugar so feed your pup with it occasionally.

Too much watermelon could bring trouble to your little friend. An upset stomach or diarrhea could be the result of watermelon over-feeding.

As Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog, you shouldn't give him more than 2-3 pieces of watermelon. Each piece /cube should be around 1-inch big.

In any case, start very slowly as you never know how the dog will react to certain types of fruit. They don't digest fruit the same way we do plus some dogs may turn out to be allergic.

Take just one or two cubes and wait to see if it's going to be any reaction. If not, next time you can increase the amount.

Other types of melon such as cantaloupe and honeydew are also safe for your Yorkie just always make sure you remove all seeds and don't let him gnaw the rind.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Pineapple?

Pineapple is a very tasty and healthy treat for your Yorkie. It's packed with vitamins C, B6, folate, manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, iron.

Besides good things, pineapple is high in fiber ( which is good for humans but not so good for dogs) and sugar. Too much of it can cause gastrointestinal problems.

If you decide to give pineapple to Yorkie, make sure you feed him only with flesh. Spiny skin or crown may hurt him and the central core of a pineapple can cause trouble, so better to avoid it.

Always serve raw and ripe pineapple, cut into bite-size cubes. Two or three cubes will be the perfect occasional treat for your dog.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Grapes?

No, Yorkshire Terrier shouldn't eat grapes as this fruit is highly toxic to dogs. If consumed, it can cause kidney failure in your Yorkie.

It's not recommended to keep the grapes in some bowl on the kitchen table/counter as your dog might be in temptation to grab some.

If you assume that your dog reached grapes and swallow them, do consult the vet immediately. You may notice some of these signs:

  • Lethargy /weakness
  • vomiting
  • lack of appetite
  • increased thirst
  • increased or decreased urine production

In case you notice any of these symptoms rush to the vet. It doesn't have to be related to grapes necessarily but if your dog ate grapes he might experience some of these signs.

Can Yorkshire Terrier Eat Dried Fruits?

Yorkshire Terrier shouldn't ever eat dried fruits, not even if they are baked in some cake or pie.

All dried fruits including raisins, apricots, figs, plums… contain the same chemical compounds that can be very toxic to your Yorkie. Plus, all dried fruits are high in sugar which is no good for dogs.

Not all dogs will react the same way, some of them will have diarrhea or vomiting but the others may have a severe reaction which can result in kidney failure, so better to avoid it.

How Much Fruit Should Yorkshire Terrier Eat?

No matter how healthy the fruit is, how it's packed with vitamins and minerals, always follow the 90/10 rule. That means that only 10% of your Yorkie's diet should be reserved for treats and fruit is considered exclusively as a treat.

There is a difference among fruits, some of them contain less sugar than others or some types of fruits are less caloric than others but overall, fruit should be an occasional treat.

Fruit Amount
Apple 1 slice
Pear 1-2 slices
Berries 2-3 berries
Kiwi 1/2 of slice
Mango 1 slice
Apricot 1 slice
Peach 1 slice
Plum 1/4 of plum
Watermelon 2-3 pieces , seedless
Strawberry 1/2 of strawberry
Cherry 2 pieces, no pits
Banana 1-2 slices
Pineapple 2-3 chunks
Citrus /Orange 1 slice

Make sure you always serve ripe fruit. If you get organic fruit even better. In any case, do wash the fruit thoroughly before serving.

Avoid giving your pet any other part of fruit besides flesh, avoid rind, stems, leaves, cores, peels, pits, seeds…

Fruit should be served either fresh or frozen but avoid using canned fruit versions. These are always soaked in sugary syrup and therefore bad for your Yorkie.

If you have an obese or overweight Yorkie, do consult the vet about introducing fruit in his diet. Some fruit is defiantly forbidden if your dog has to lose some weight.

Feed your dog with bite-size fruit chunks/ pieces to prevent any accident such as choking.


Yorkshire Terrier can eat fruit but just occasionally, in small amounts, served as a treat. Fruits are packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals that your dog needs but also rich in fibers and sugars that are not so good for your pet.

Too much fruit may upset your Yorkie's delicate digestive tract and cause diarrhea. Too much sugar may cause obesity which will further cause other health issues in your dog.

Make sure you feed your dog only with fruit flesh and avoid other parts such as stems, leaves, peel, rind etc. Also, make sure you never give your pet grapes and dried fruit. Avoid citrus fruits but if you want to try, give him some orange and wait to see the reaction.


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