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Classic Art With Modern Twist Classic Art With Rap Lyrics

The Influence of Rap and Hip-Hop Music: An Assay on Audience Perceptions of Misogynistic Lyrics

Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications
2013, Vol. 4 No. one | pg. 1/four | »

Using a qualitative content analysis and online survey, this enquiry examined how college students perceive and respond to the portrayal of women when exposed to misogynistic lyrics. Based on cultivation theory, this written report analyzed the lyrical content of pop rap and hip-hop songs (north=xx) on Billboard's "Hot 100" nautical chart between 2000 and 2010. Song lyrics were classified into i or more of the post-obit coding categories: demeaning language, rape/sexual assault, sexual conquest and physical violence. Themes of ability over, objectification of and violence against women were identified equally prevalent throughout the content analysis sample. Survey results indicated a positive correlation between misogynous thinking and rap/hip-hop consumption.

This study examined the culture of rap/hip-hop music and how misogynistic lyrical messages influenced listeners' attitudes toward intimate partner violence. Adams and Fuller (2006) define misogyny as the "hatred or disdain of women" and "an ideology that reduces women to objects for men's buying, utilise, or corruption" (p. 939). Popular American hip-hop and rap artists, such as Eminem, Ludacris and Ja Rule, take increasingly depicted women every bit objects of violence or male person domination by communicating that "submission is a desirable trait in a woman" (Stankiewicz & Rosselli, 2008, p. 581). These songs condone male hegemony in which "men find the domination and exploitation of women and other men to exist not only expected, but actually demanded" (Prushank, 2007, p. 161). Thus, these messages glorify violence against women, including rape, torture and abuse, and foster an credence of sexual objectification and degradation of women (Russo & Pirlott, 2006). These misogynistic themes start emerged in rap/hip-hop songs in the late 1980s and are especially apparent today with women being portrayed every bit sex objects and victims of sexual violence (Adams & Fuller, 2006; Russo & Pirlott, 2006).

Young adults between the ages of 16 and 30 are the most likely age group to consume rap/hip-hop music, and in plow, may become desensitized to the derogatory lyrics condoning relationship violence and sexual aggression (Smith, 2005). Specifically, the college-aged demographic has been influenced by the prevalence of sexually explicit media and the negative images of women presented in hip-hop culture, which "teach men that aggression and violence are closely linked to cultural views of masculinity" (Wood, 2012, p. 105). Furthermore, the physical abuse of women is historic in rap/hip-hop songs promoting "models of masculinity that sustain and encourage misogyny" (Cobb & Boettcher, 2007, p. 3026).

This newspaper evaluated the impact of tillage theory and whether exposure to misogynistic rap increases the credence of perpetrating violent acts confronting women (Johnson, Jackson, & Gatto, 1995). Also, this paper incorporated the disinhibition hypothesis in relation to how audiences get desensitized to media violence afterward repeated exposure (Rosenberry & Vicker, 2009). Analyzing the relationship between rap/ hip-hop lyrical content and song popularity showed how audiences have responded to objectifying letters through their music consumption.

Domestic violence is a pressing issue often accounted adequate by the media, and thus, challenges men and women'south perceptions of how they should treat their partners in their relationships. Over the by ii decades, the United nations Commission on the Status of Women "reported a tremendous increase in the representation of violence against women, particularly sexual violence, in the media" (Stankiewicz & Rosselli, 2008, p. 581). Studies suggest that increased exposure to misogynistic messages has desensitized audiences to the result of intimate partner violence and fosters greater tolerance of male person aggression (Barongan & Hall, 1996). The mass media portrays domestic violence both visually and aurally past normalizing the use of strength in relationships, which correlates to the fact that "more than than one in three women in the U.s. have been sexually coerced past a partner" (Nettleton, 2011, p. 140). Therefore, it is not surprising that "men commit at least 90% of documented acts of physical intimate partner violence in the U.South." past exerting control over women (Woods, 2012, p. 301).

The ambiguity of what constitutes sexual assault or intimate partner violence contributes to public misperception of domestic violence. The Role of Violence Confronting Women defines domestic violence as a "design of calumniating behavior in any relationship that is used by 1 partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner" ("What Is Domestic Violence?," 2012). Concrete, sexual and psychological deportment or threats of corruption toward a partner are the most mutual forms of domestic violence ("What Is Domestic Violence?," 2012). Domestic violence includes behaviors that "intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, affright, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone" ("What Is Domestic Violence?" 2012). The National Violence Confronting Women Survey, conducted by Tjaden and Thoennes (2000), estimates that i in five women in the United states of america is physically assaulted in her lifetime and one in 13 is raped by an intimate partner (Russo & Pirlott, 2006).

While women of all ages are at hazard of experiencing domestic and sexual violence, those between the ages of xx-24 are most susceptible to experiencing nonfatal intimate partner violence ("Go the Facts: The Facts," 2007). Co-ordinate to a 2007 report by Laurel Crown and Linda Roberts, "1-half of college women in their senior yr reported 1 or more unwanted sexual interactions during their college careers" (Wood, 2012, p. 287). The perpetration of violent behavior can be explained using the cognitive learning theory, asserting, "individuals receive messages through society and media that shape relationship ideologies" (Bretthauer, Zimmerman, & Banning, 2006, p. thirty). This study specifically analyzed college students' views on the effect of domestic violence and its portrayal in popular rap/hip-hop music.

In a recent content analysis of six types of media, Pardun, 50'Engle, and Dark-brown (2005) found that music, in detail, contained substantially more sexual content than whatsoever other media outlets. Sexually explicit and derogatory lyrics are especially credible in rap music, which has been criticized for its graphic derogatory presentation of women using lyrics that objectify, exploit or victimize them (Weitzer & Kubrin, 2009; Cobb & Boettcher, 2007). Adams and Fuller (2006) assert that rap music reduces women to objects "that are only expert for sex activity and abuse," which "perpetuate ideas, values, beliefs, and stereotypes that debase women" (p. 940). This study also noted half dozen themes mutual in misogynistic rap music, and further examined three of them: derogatory statements about women in relation to sex; statements involving trigger-happy actions toward women, specially in relation to sexual practice; and references of women equally usable and discardable beings (Adams & Fuller, 2006).

Armstrong (2001) conducted a content analysis of 490 rap songs from 1987 to 1993, in which 22% contained lyrics featuring violence against women including assault, rape and murder. His study classified rap songs into different categories in which rappers either pride themselves on sex acts appearing to harm women, justify other acts of violence, warn women who challenge male domination that they will be assaulted, and/or seem to invite male violence confronting women (Armstrong, 2001). Weitzer and Kubrin (2009) conducted a follow-up study analyzing the portrayal of women in 403 rap songs through a content analysis, in which themes of derogatory naming and shaming of women; sexual objectification of women; distrust of women; legitimation of violence against women; and celebration of prostitution and pimping appeared at the greatest frequency. Sexual objectification was establish to occur in 67% of the misogynistic lyrics in their songs sampled (Weitzer & Kubrin, 2009). This written report farther examined the frequency of explicit music content establish in the past decade's worth of popular rap/hip-hop music. Furthermore, stereotyped gender roles emerged from lyrics containing sexual imagery that promote the "acceptance of women as sexual objects and men as pursuers of sexual conquest," (Martino, Collins, Elliott, Strachman, Kanouse, & Berry, 2006, p. 438).

George Gerbner focused on violent idiot box content and how audience exposure to these fierce images influences their views and conception of social reality, by cultivating a "mutual view of the world" (Rosenberry & Vicker, 2009, pg. 165). As a outcome, Gerbner developed cultivation theory by examining how long-term exposure to tearing media letters alters audience perceptions of violence in their everyday lives (Rosenberry & Vicker, 2009). This approach tin exist applied to all forms of media by interpreting individuals' reactions to violent content; thus, this study will comprise cultivation theory in an assay of misogynistic lyrics affecting listeners' attitudes toward domestic violence (Rosenberry & Vicker, 2009).

In reviewing more than five decades worth of research, Potter (1999) extended cultivation theory to determine the following effects of exposure to media violence:

Exposure to violent portrayals in the media can lead to subsequent viewer assailment through disinhibition. Long-term exposure to media violence is related to aggression in a person'south life. Media violence is related to subsequent violence in society. Exposure to violence in the media tin can lead to desensitization. People exposed to many violent portrayals over time will come to be more than accepting of violence (Rosenberry & Vicker, 2009, p. 169).

In turn, Dr. Edgar Tyson (2006) developed a 26-particular instrument, the Rap Music Attitude and Perception (RAP) Scale, the "but tool available to admission an individual'southward mental attitude toward and perception of rap music lyrics" (p. 212). The RAP Scale contains three constructs: empowerment, artistic aesthetics and vehement misogynistic. This written report incorporated the empowerment and violent misogynistic constructs to measure "tearing, sexist, and misogynistic images conveyed in the lyrics" to examine higher students' perceptions of the content through a survey (Gourdine & Lemmons, 2011, p. 65). Using a meta-analysis approach, Timmerman et. al (2008) institute that "listening to music generates an effect on listeners consequent with the content of the music," such as when rap/hip-hop artists communicate themes condoning "power over, objectification of and violence against women" (p. 303; Bretthauer et al., 2006, p. 42). This 2008 study applied the term "priming" to determine "whether music serves equally a mechanism to 'prime' someone for subsequent actions and behaviors," and in plow, react to, incorporate or reject the media content into the listener's life (Timmerman et. al., 2008, p. 307). While a correlation may be betwixt exposure to misogynistic music and audience attitudes regarding fierce acts against women, a causal link cannot be demonstrated between listening habits and resulting misogynistic behavior (Baran & Davis, 2006, p. 331). Therefore, the consumption of misogynistic music can influence audition perceptions of misogynistic content, only does not directly atomic number 82 to "subsequent ambitious deportment" (Timmerman et. al., 2008, p. 307).

This study expanded upon previous research incorporating the RAP Scale, priming and cultivation theory to make up one's mind how college students' perspectives on problems of domestic violence reverberate misogynistic themes emphasized in explicit rap/hip-hop music.

This study explored whether consuming rap/hip-hop music containing misogynistic messages affects the attitudes of audiences regarding domestic violence.

  • RQ. ane: How do college students perceive and respond to the portrayal of women when exposed to misogynistic lyrics?
  • RQ. two: Does gender affect how college students translate misogynistic messages found within popular rap/hip-hop songs?

Continued on Next Folio »

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